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The group D_5 is one of the two groups of order 10. Unlike the cyclic group C_(10), D_5 is non-Abelian. The molecule ruthenocene (C_5H_5)_2Ru belongs to the group D_(5h), ...
Let S be a semigroup and alpha a positive real-valued function on S such that alpha(st)<=alpha(s)alpha(t) (s,t in S). If l^1(S,alpha) is the set of all complex-valued ...
A module over a unit ring R is called divisible if, for all r in R which are not zero divisors, every element m of M can be "divided" by r, in the sense that there is an ...
For any alpha in A (where A denotes the set of algebraic numbers), let |alpha|^_ denote the maximum of moduli of all conjugates of alpha. Then a function ...
Let omega be the cube root of unity (-1+isqrt(3))/2. Then the Eisenstein primes are Eisenstein integers, i.e., numbers of the form a+bomega for a and b integers, such that ...
Given a formula y=f(x) with an absolute error in x of dx, the absolute error is dy. The relative error is dy/y. If x=f(u,v,...), then ...
The extangents circle is the circumcircle of the extangents triangle. Its center function is a complicated 9th-order polynomial and its circle function is a complicated ...
For a general second-order linear recurrence equation f_(n+1)=xf_n+yf_(n-1), (1) define a multiplication rule on ordered pairs by (A,B)(C,D)=(AD+BC+xAC,BD+yAC). (2) The ...
The finite group T is one of the three non-Abelian groups of order 12 (out of a total of fives groups of order 12), the other two being the alternating group A_4 and the ...
A forgetful functor (also called underlying functor) is defined from a category of algebraic gadgets (groups, Abelian groups, modules, rings, vector spaces, etc.) to the ...
