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Let the values of a function f(x) be tabulated at points x_i equally spaced by h=x_(i+1)-x_i, so f_1=f(x_1), f_2=f(x_2), ..., f_n=f(x_n). Then Durand's rule approximating the ...
The simplest class of one-dimensional cellular automata. Elementary cellular automata have two possible values for each cell (0 or 1), and rules that depend only on nearest ...
A proof which can be accomplished using only real numbers (i.e., real analysis instead of complex analysis; Hoffman 1998, pp. 92-93).
Given a spheroid with equatorial radius a and polar radius c, the ellipticity is defined by e={sqrt((a^2-c^2)/(a^2)) c<a (oblate spheroid); sqrt((c^2-a^2)/(c^2)) c>a (prolate ...
The problem of determining (or counting) the set of all solutions to a given problem.
An agreement in which all parties feel as if they have received the best deal.
An equation is a mathematical expression stating that two or more quantities are the same as one another, also called an equality, formula, or identity.
Suppose a,b in N, n=ab+1, and x_1, ..., x_n is a sequence of n real numbers. Then this sequence contains a monotonic increasing (decreasing) subsequence of a+1 terms or a ...
A three-dimensional shadow of a four-dimensional Klein bottle.
"Exactly one" means "one and only one," sometimes also referred to as "just one" or "one and only one." J. H. Conway has also humorously suggested "onee" (one and only one) ...
