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The Ouchi illusion, illustrated above, is an illusion named after its inventor, Japanese artist Hajime Ouchi. In this illusion, the central disk seems to float above the ...
A pentomino is a 5-polyomino. There are 12 free pentominoes, 18 one-sided pentominoes, and 63 fixed pentominoes. The twelve free pentominoes are known by the letters of the ...
Consider the sequence defined by w_1=01 and w_(n+1)=w_nw_nw_n^R, where l^R denotes the reverse of a sequence l. The first few terms are then 01, 010110, 010110010110011010, ...
Ede (1958) enumerates 13 basic series of stellations of the rhombic triacontahedron, the total number of which is extremely large. Pawley (1973) gave a set of restrictions ...
Self-recursion is a recursion that is defined in terms of itself, resulting in an ill-defined infinite regress. The formula for the volume of a cylinder leads to the ...
Series reversion is the computation of the coefficients of the inverse function given those of the forward function. For a function expressed in a series with no constant ...
A plane image or pair of two-dimensional images that, when appropriately viewed using both eyes, produces an image which appears to be three-dimensional. By taking a pair of ...
In the early 1960s, B. Birch and H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer conjectured that if a given elliptic curve has an infinite number of solutions, then the associated L-series has ...
The tetrix is the three-dimensional analog of the Sierpiński sieve illustrated above, also called the Sierpiński sponge or Sierpiński tetrahedron. The nth iteration of the ...
An untouchable number is a positive integer that is not the sum of the proper divisors of any number. The first few are 2, 5, 52, 88, 96, 120, 124, 146, ... (OEIS A005114). ...
