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Fok (1946) and Hazewinkel (1988, p. 65) call v(z) = 1/2sqrt(pi)Ai(z) (1) w_1(z) = 2e^(ipi/6)v(omegaz) (2) w_2(z) = 2e^(-ipi/6)v(omega^(-1)z), (3) where Ai(z) is an Airy ...
A class of fibered knots and links which arises in algebraic geometry. An algebraic link is formed by connecting the NW and NE strings and the SW and SE strings of an ...
Call a projection of a link an almost alternating projection if one crossing change in the projection makes it an alternating projection. Then an almost alternating link is a ...
Dickson (1913, 2005) defined an amicable triple to be a triple of three numbers (l,m,n) such that s(l) = m+n (1) s(m) = l+n (2) s(n) = l+m, (3) where s(n) is the restricted ...
An Appell sequence is a Sheffer sequence for (g(t),t). Roman (1984, pp. 86-106) summarizes properties of Appell sequences and gives a number of specific examples. The ...
The mathematical study of how given quantities can be approximated by other (usually simpler) ones under appropriate conditions. Approximation theory also studies the size ...
An n×n magic square for which every pair of numbers symmetrically opposite the center sum to n^2+1. The Lo Shu is associative but not panmagic. The numbers of associative ...
Let n be an integer variable which tends to infinity and let x be a continuous variable tending to some limit. Also, let phi(n) or phi(x) be a positive function and f(n) or ...
The mathematical study of abstract computing machines (especially Turing machines) and the analysis of algorithms used by such machines. A connection between automata theory ...
Propositional calculus, first-order logic, and other theories in mathematical logic are defined by their axioms (or axiom schemata, plural: axiom schemata) and inference ...
