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A stochastic approximation method that functions by placing conditions on iterative step sizes and whose convergence is guaranteed under mild conditions. However, the method ...
A scatter diagram, also called a scatterplot or a scatter plot, is a visualization of the relationship between two variables measured on the same set of individuals. Scatter ...
An abnormal number is a hypothetical number which can be factored into primes in more than one way. Hardy and Wright (1979) prove the fundamental theorem of arithmetic by ...
An accumulation point is a point which is the limit of a sequence, also called a limit point. For some maps, periodic orbits give way to chaotic ones beyond a point known as ...
A ruled surface M is said to be a binormal developable of a curve y if M can be parameterized by x(u,v)=y(u)+vB^^(u), where B is the binormal vector.
The boustrophedon ("ox-plowing") transform b of a sequence a is given by b_n = sum_(k=0)^(n)(n; k)a_kE_(n-k) (1) a_n = sum_(k=0)^(n)(-1)^(n-k)(n; k)b_kE_(n-k) (2) for n>=0, ...
Two square matrices A and B are called congruent if there exists a nonsingular matrix P such that B=P^(T)AP, where P^(T) is the transpose.
The absence of contradiction (i.e., the ability to prove that a statement and its negative are both true) in an Axiomatic system is known as consistency.
For {M_i}_(i in I) a family of R-modules indexed by a directed set I, let sigma_(ij):M_i->M_j i<=j be an R-module homomorphism. Call (M_i,sigma_(ij)) a direct system over I ...
Expanded notation is the term given in elementary mathematics education for the expansion of a positive integer in the form sum_(k)b_k10^k, i.e., as a sum of appropriate ...
