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The series h_q(-r)=sum_(n=1)^infty1/(q^n+r) (1) for q an integer other than 0 and +/-1. h_q and the related series Ln_q(-r+1)=sum_(n=1)^infty((-1)^n)/(q^n+r), (2) which is a ...
The Feigenbaum constant delta is a universal constant for functions approaching chaos via period doubling. It was discovered by Feigenbaum in 1975 (Feigenbaum 1979) while ...
An n×n complex matrix A is called positive definite if R[x^*Ax]>0 (1) for all nonzero complex vectors x in C^n, where x^* denotes the conjugate transpose of the vector x. In ...
There are essentially three types of Fisher-Tippett extreme value distributions. The most common is the type I distribution, which are sometimes referred to as Gumbel types ...
Let R(z) be a rational function R(z)=(P(z))/(Q(z)), (1) where z in C^*, C^* is the Riemann sphere C union {infty}, and P and Q are polynomials without common divisors. The ...
The mean deviation (also called the mean absolute deviation) is the mean of the absolute deviations of a set of data about the data's mean. For a sample size N, the mean ...
Plouffe's constants are numbers arising in summations of series related to r_n=f(2^n) where f is a trigonometric function. Define the Iverson bracket function rho(x)={1 for ...
A primitive polynomial is a polynomial that generates all elements of an extension field from a base field. Primitive polynomials are also irreducible polynomials. For any ...
A Sierpiński number of the first kind is a number of the form S_n=n^n+1. The first few are 2, 5, 28, 257, 3126, 46657, 823544, 16777217, ... (OEIS A014566). Sierpiński proved ...
The constant e with decimal expansion e=2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757... (OEIS A001113) can be computed to 10^9 digits of precision in 10 CPU-minutes on modern ...
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