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In set theory, a unary operation on set A is a function A->A. More generally, a unary operation is a function with exactly one operand, such as the factorial, square root, or ...
A uniquely complemented lattice is a complemented lattice (L, ^ , v ,0,1,^') that satisfies ( forall x in L)( forall y in L)[(x ^ y=0) ^ (x v y=1)]=>y=x^'. The class of ...
Universal algebra studies common properties of all algebraic structures, including groups, rings, fields, lattices, etc. A universal algebra is a pair A=(A,(f_i^A)_(i in I)), ...
A knot is called prime if, for any decomposition as a connected sum, one of the factors is unknotted (Livingston 1993, pp. 5 and 78). A knot which is not prime is called a ...
Let L be a nontrivial bounded lattice (or a nontrivial complemented lattice, etc.). If every nonconstant lattice homomorphism defined on L is 0,1-separating, then L is a ...
Let K be a class of topological spaces that is closed under homeomorphism, and let X be a topological space. If X in K and for every Y in K such that X subset= Y, X is a ...
"Arabic numerals" are the numerical symbols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0. Historically, Indian numerals evolved in Arab usage roughly 1000 A.D., and there was rare ...
Propositional calculus, first-order logic, and other theories in mathematical logic are defined by their axioms (or axiom schemata, plural: axiom schemata) and inference ...
A point B is said to lie between points A and C (where A, B, and C are distinct collinear points) if AB+BC=AC. A number of Euclid's proofs depend on the idea of betweenness ...
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