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The resolution principle, due to Robinson (1965), is a method of theorem proving that proceeds by constructing refutation proofs, i.e., proofs by contradiction. This method ...
Taking a connected graph or network with a high graph diameter and adding a very small number of edges randomly, the diameter tends to drop drastically. This is known as the ...
Stationary iterative methods are methods for solving a linear system of equations Ax=b, where A is a given matrix and b is a given vector. Stationary iterative methods can be ...
The successive overrelaxation method (SOR) is a method of solving a linear system of equations Ax=b derived by extrapolating the Gauss-Seidel method. This extrapolation takes ...
The conjugate gradient method can be viewed as a special variant of the Lanczos method for positive definite symmetric systems. The minimal residual method and symmetric LQ ...
The Szekeres snark was the fifth snark discovered, illustrated above. It has 50 vertices and edge chromatic number 4.
Turmites, also called turning machines, are 2-dimensional Turing machines in which the "tape" consists of a grid of spaces that can be written and erased by an active ...
The unknot, also called the trivial knot (Rolfsen 1976, p. 51), is a closed loop that is not knotted. In the 1930s Reidemeister first proved that knots exist which are ...
The Wallis formula follows from the infinite product representation of the sine sinx=xproduct_(n=1)^infty(1-(x^2)/(pi^2n^2)). (1) Taking x=pi/2 gives ...
Wang's conjecture states that if a set of tiles can tile the plane, then they can always be arranged to do so periodically (Wang 1961). The conjecture was refuted when Berger ...
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