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The solution to the differential equation [D^(2v)+alphaD^v+betaD^0]y(t)=0 (1) is y(t)={e_alpha(t)-e_beta(t) for alpha!=beta; ...
The French metro metric is an example for disproving apparently intuitive but false properties of metric spaces. The metric consists of a distance function on the plane such ...
A finite extension K=Q(z)(w) of the field Q(z) of rational functions in the indeterminate z, i.e., w is a root of a polynomial a_0+a_1alpha+a_2alpha^2+...+a_nalpha^n, where ...
The graph distance matrix, sometimes also called the all-pairs shortest path matrix, is the square matrix (d_(ij)) consisting of all graph distances from vertex v_i to vertex ...
A method for predicting the onset of widespread chaos. It is based on the hypothesis that the dissolution of an invariant torus can be associated with the sudden change from ...
Hadamard's maximum determinant problem asks to find the largest possible determinant (in absolute value) for any n×n matrix whose elements are taken from some set. Hadamard ...
Any two ranges {ABC...} and {A^'B^'C^'...} which are situated on the same or different lines are said to be homographic when the cross ratio of any four points on one range ...
Also known as the a Lorentz transformation or Procrustian stretch, a hyperbolic transformation leaves each branch of the hyperbola x^'y^'=xy invariant and transforms circles ...
The operator I^~ which takes a real number to the same real number I^~r=r.
The incentral circle is the circumcircle of the incentral triangle. It has radius R_I=(sqrt(abcf(a,b,c)f(b,c,a)f(c,a,b)))/(8Delta(a+b)(a+c)(b+c)), (1) where Delta is the area ...
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