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If a matrix A has a matrix of eigenvectors P that is not invertible (for example, the matrix [1 1; 0 1] has the noninvertible system of eigenvectors [1 0; 0 0]), then A does ...
Let k be a field of finite characteristic p. Then a polynomial P(x) in k[x] is said to be additive iff P(a)+P(b)=P(a+b) for {a,b,a+b} subset k. For example, P(x)=x^2+x+4 is ...
A block diagonal matrix, also called a diagonal block matrix, is a square diagonal matrix in which the diagonal elements are square matrices of any size (possibly even 1×1), ...
A block matrix is a matrix that is defined using smaller matrices, called blocks. For example, [A B; C D], (1) where A, B, C, and D are themselves matrices, is a block ...
A bounded operator T:V->W between two Banach spaces satisfies the inequality ||Tv||<=C||v||, (1) where C is a constant independent of the choice of v in V. The inequality is ...
Chió pivotal condensation is a method for evaluating an n×n determinant in terms of (n-1)×(n-1) determinants. It also leads to some remarkable determinant identities (Eves ...
A graph G is said to be disconnected if it is not connected, i.e., if there exist two nodes in G such that no path in G has those nodes as endpoints. The numbers of ...
A Hessenberg matrix is a matrix of the form [a_(11) a_(12) a_(13) ... a_(1(n-1)) a_(1n); a_(21) a_(22) a_(23) ... a_(2(n-1)) a_(2n); 0 a_(32) a_(33) ... a_(3(n-1)) a_(3n); 0 ...
Householder (1953) first considered the matrix that now bears his name in the first couple of pages of his book. A Householder matrix for a real vector v can be implemented ...
A technically defined extension of the ordinary determinant to "higher dimensional" hypermatrices. Cayley (1845) originally coined the term, but subsequently used it to refer ...
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