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1281 - 1290 of 1392 for linear programmingSearch Results
Vizing's theorem states that a graph can be edge-colored in either Delta or Delta+1 colors, where Delta is the maximum vertex degree of the graph. A graph with edge chromatic ...
The nesting of two or more functions to form a single new function is known as composition. The composition of two functions f and g is denoted f degreesg, where f is a ...
Cospectral graphs, also called isospectral graphs, are graphs that share the same graph spectrum. The smallest pair of isospectral graphs is the graph union C_4 union K_1 and ...
Cube duplication, also called the Delian problem, is one of the geometric problems of antiquity which asks, given the length of an edge of a cube, that a second cube be ...
Given relatively prime integers p and q (i.e., (p,q)=1), the Dedekind sum is defined by s(p,q)=sum_(i=1)^q((i/q))(((pi)/q)), (1) where ((x))={x-|_x_|-1/2 x not in Z; 0 x in ...
A differential k-form is a tensor of tensor rank k that is antisymmetric under exchange of any pair of indices. The number of algebraically independent components in n ...
The continuous Fourier transform is defined as f(nu) = F_t[f(t)](nu) (1) = int_(-infty)^inftyf(t)e^(-2piinut)dt. (2) Now consider generalization to the case of a discrete ...
Every semisimple Lie algebra g is classified by its Dynkin diagram. A Dynkin diagram is a graph with a few different kinds of possible edges. The connected components of the ...
There are (at least) three types of Euler transforms (or transformations). The first is a set of transformations of hypergeometric functions, called Euler's hypergeometric ...
A field K is said to be an extension field (or field extension, or extension), denoted K/F, of a field F if F is a subfield of K. For example, the complex numbers are an ...
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