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1271 - 1280 of 1392 for linear programmingSearch Results
In mathematics, a knot is defined as a closed, non-self-intersecting curve that is embedded in three dimensions and cannot be untangled to produce a simple loop (i.e., the ...
Replacing the logistic equation (dx)/(dt)=rx(1-x) (1) with the quadratic recurrence equation x_(n+1)=rx_n(1-x_n), (2) where r (sometimes also denoted mu) is a positive ...
The Petersen graph is the cubic graph on 10 vertices and 15 edges which is the unique (3,5)-cage graph (Harary 1994, p. 175), as well as the unique (3,5)-Moore graph. It can ...
The m×n knight graph is a graph on mn vertices in which each vertex represents a square in an m×n chessboard, and each edge corresponds to a legal move by a knight (which may ...
Barycentric coordinates are triples of numbers (t_1,t_2,t_3) corresponding to masses placed at the vertices of a reference triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3. These masses then ...
Calabi-Yau spaces are important in string theory, where one model posits the geometry of the universe to consist of a ten-dimensional space of the form M×V, where M is a four ...
Find a way to stack a square of cannonballs laid out on the ground into a square pyramid (i.e., find a square number which is also square pyramidal). This corresponds to ...
The Cassini ovals are a family of quartic curves, also called Cassini ellipses, described by a point such that the product of its distances from two fixed points a distance ...
The Cayley-Purser algorithm is a public-key cryptography algorithm that relies on the fact that matrix multiplication is not commutative. It was devised by Sarah Flannery ...
A chordal graph is a simple graph in which every graph cycle of length four and greater has a cycle chord. In other words, a chordal graph is a graph possessing no chordless ...
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