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The haversine, also called the haversed sine, is a little-used entire trigonometric function defined by hav(z) = 1/2vers(z) (1) = 1/2(1-cosz) (2) = sin^2(1/2z), (3) where ...
A Hessenberg decomposition is a matrix decomposition of a matrix A into a unitary matrix P and a Hessenberg matrix H such that PHP^(H)=A, where P^(H) denotes the conjugate ...
The grouping of data into bins (spaced apart by the so-called class interval) plotting the number of members in each bin versus the bin number. The above histogram shows the ...
The hyperfactorial (Sloane and Plouffe 1995) is the function defined by H(n) = K(n+1) (1) = product_(k=1)^(n)k^k, (2) where K(n) is the K-function. The hyperfactorial is ...
The insphere of a solid is a sphere that is tangent to all faces of the solid. An insphere does not always exist, but when it does, its radius r is called the inradius and ...
The inverse erf function is the inverse function erfc^(-1)(z) of erfc(x) such that erfc(erfc^(-1)(x))=erfc^(-1)(erfc(x)), (1) with the first identity holding for 0<x<2 and ...
The inverse Gaussian distribution, also known as the Wald distribution, is the distribution over [0,infty) with probability density function and distribution function given ...
The inverse function of the Gudermannian y=gd^(-1)phi gives the vertical position y in the Mercator projection in terms of the latitude phi and may be defined for 0<=x<pi/2 ...
The inverse haversine function hav^(-1)(z) is defined by hav^(-1)(z)=2sin^(-1)(sqrt(z)). (1) The inverse haversine is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The Radon inverse transform is an integral transform that has found widespread application in the reconstruction of images from medical CT scans. The Radon and inverse Radon ...
