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The longest increasing scattered subsequence is the longest subsequence of increasing terms, where intervening nonincreasing terms may be dropped. Finding the largest ...
The longest increasing (contiguous) subsequence of a given sequence is the subsequence of increasing terms containing the largest number of elements. For example, the longest ...
Let I be a set, and let U be an ultrafilter on I, let phi be a formula of a given language L, and let {A_i:i in I} be any collection of structures which is indexed by the set ...
The Lucas polynomials are the w-polynomials obtained by setting p(x)=x and q(x)=1 in the Lucas polynomial sequence. It is given explicitly by ...
When P and Q are integers such that D=P^2-4Q!=0, define the Lucas sequence {U_k} by U_k=(a^k-b^k)/(a-b) for k>=0, with a and b the two roots of x^2-Px+Q=0. Then define a ...
A theorem that can be stated either in the language of abstract algebraic curves or transcendental extensions. For an abstract algebraic curve, if x and y are nonconstant ...
The Mathon graphs are three strongly regular graphs on 784 vertices with regular parameters as summarized in the following tables. k spectrum regular parameters 0 ...
A maximal independent edge set of a graph is an independent edge set that cannot be expanded to another independent edge set by addition of any edge in the graph. Note that a ...
The natural norm induced by the L1-norm is called the maximum absolute column sum norm and is defined by ||A||_1=max_(j)sum_(i=1)^n|a_(ij)| for a matrix A. This matrix norm ...
The McLaughlin group is the sporadic group McL of order |McL| = 898128000 (1) = 2^7·3^6·5^3·7·11. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as McLaughlinGroupMcL[].
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