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The Koolen-Riebeek graph is a weakly regular graph on 486 vertices with parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(486,45,0,(0,9)). It is distance-regular but not distance-transitive with ...
The Kreisel conjecture is a conjecture in proof theory that postulates that, if phi(x) is a formula in the language of arithmetic for which there exists a nonnegative integer ...
An algorithm for finding a graph's spanning tree of minimum length. It sorts the edges of a graph in order of increasing cost and then repeatedly adds edges that bridge ...
The l^2-norm (also written "l^2-norm") |x| is a vector norm defined for a complex vector x=[x_1; x_2; |; x_n] (1) by |x|=sqrt(sum_(k=1)^n|x_k|^2), (2) where |x_k| on the ...
A procedure for decomposing an N×N matrix A into a product of a lower triangular matrix L and an upper triangular matrix U, LU=A. (1) LU decomposition is implemented in the ...
The (associated) Legendre function of the first kind P_n^m(z) is the solution to the Legendre differential equation which is regular at the origin. For m,n integers and z ...
The Leonard graph is a distance-regular graph on 288 vertices (Brouwer et al. 1989, p. 369) with intersection array {12,11,10,7;1,2,5,12}. It is however not ...
Little's law states that, under steady state conditions, the average number of items in a queuing system equals the average rate at which the items arrive multiplied by the ...
The Livingstone graph is a distance-transitive graph on 266 vertices defined in terms of the Janko group J_1. It has intersection array {11,10,6,1;1,1,5,11}. The Livingstone ...
A lobster graph, lobster tree, or simply "lobster," is a tree having the property that the removal of leaf nodes leaves a caterpillar graph (Gallian 2007). The numbers of ...
