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The Riemann tensor (Schutz 1985) R^alpha_(betagammadelta), also known the Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor (Weinberg 1972, p. 133; Arfken 1985, p. 123) or Riemann ...
In analysis, the phrase "Riesz-Fischer theorem" is used to describe a number of results concerning the convergence of Cauchy sequences in L-p spaces. The theorem is named for ...
The Robertson-Wegner graph is of the four (5,5)-cage graphs, also called Robertson's cage (Read and Wilson 1998, p. 273). Like the other (5,5)-cages, the Robertson-Wegner ...
The Roman surface, also called the Steiner surface (not to be confused with the class of Steiner surfaces of which the Roman surface is a particular case), is a quartic ...
The rook is a chess piece that may move any number of spaces either horizontally or vertically per move. The maximum number of nonattacking rooks that may be placed on an n×n ...
A rose curve, also called Grandi's rose or the multifolium, is a curve which has the shape of a petalled flower. This curve was named rhodonea by the Italian mathematician ...
Abstractly, a spatial configuration F is said to possess rotational symmetry if F remains invariant under the group C=C(F). Here, C(F) denotes the group of rotations of F and ...
Roundoff error is the difference between an approximation of a number used in computation and its exact (correct) value. In certain types of computation, roundoff error can ...
Rubik's Cube is a 3×3×3 cube in which the 26 subcubes on the outside are internally hinged in such a way that rotation (by a quarter turn in either direction or a half turn) ...
Let a number n be written in binary as n=(epsilon_kepsilon_(k-1)...epsilon_1epsilon_0)_2, (1) and define b_n=sum_(i=0)^(k-1)epsilon_iepsilon_(i+1) (2) as the number of digits ...
