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Fractran is an algorithm applied to a given list f_1, f_2, ..., f_k of fractions. Given a starting integer N, the FRACTRAN algorithm proceeds by repeatedly multiplying the ...
A fibered category F over a topological space X consists of 1. a category F(U) for each open subset U subset= X, 2. a functor i^*:F(U)->F(V) for each inclusion i:V↪U, and 3. ...
Let F and G be fibered categories over a topological space X. A morphism phi:F->G of fibered categories consists of: 1. a functor phi(U):F->G(U) for each open subset U ...
The Fischer groups are the three sporadic groups Fi_(22), Fi_(23), and Fi_(24)^'. These groups were discovered during the investigation of 3-transposition groups. The Fischer ...
The forward difference is a finite difference defined by Deltaa_n=a_(n+1)-a_n. (1) Higher order differences are obtained by repeated operations of the forward difference ...
The Fourier cosine transform of a real function is the real part of the full complex Fourier transform, F_x^((c))[f(x)](k) = R[F_x[f(x)](k)] (1) = ...
The Fourier sine transform is the imaginary part of the full complex Fourier transform, F_x^((s))[f(x)](k) = I[F_x[f(x)](k)] (1) = int_(-infty)^inftysin(2pikx)f(x)dx. (2) The ...
The fractional derivative of f(t) of order mu>0 (if it exists) can be defined in terms of the fractional integral D^(-nu)f(t) as D^muf(t)=D^m[D^(-(m-mu))f(t)], (1) where m is ...
An integer d is a fundamental discriminant if it is not equal to 1, not divisible by any square of any odd prime, and satisfies d=1 (mod 4) or d=8,12 (mod 16). The function ...
A generalized Vandermonde matrix of two sequences a and b where a is an increasing sequence of positive integers and b is an increasing sequence of nonnegative integers of ...
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