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An irreducible representation of a group is a group representation that has no nontrivial invariant subspaces. For example, the orthogonal group O(n) has an irreducible ...
An isosceles tetrahedron is a nonregular tetrahedron in which each pair of opposite polyhedron edges are equal, i.e., a^'=a, b^'=b, and c^'=c, so that all triangular faces ...
The isotomic conjugate of a point is the point of concurrence Q of the isotomic lines relative to a point P. The isotomic conjugate alpha^':beta^':gamma^' of a point with ...
The Jacobi method is a method of solving a matrix equation on a matrix that has no zeros along its main diagonal (Bronshtein and Semendyayev 1997, p. 892). Each diagonal ...
The Jacobian conjecture in the plane, first stated by Keller (1939), states that given a ring map F of C[x,y] (the polynomial ring in two variables over the complex numbers ...
Jacobi's imaginary transformations relate elliptic functions to other elliptic functions of the same type but having different arguments. In the case of the Jacobi elliptic ...
The Jacobsthal numbers are the numbers obtained by the U_ns in the Lucas sequence with P=1 and Q=-2, corresponding to a=2 and b=-1. They and the Jacobsthal-Lucas numbers (the ...
Maximize the distance a Jeep can penetrate into the desert using a given quantity of fuel. The Jeep is allowed to go forward, unload some fuel, and then return to its base ...
The Johnson graph J(n,k) has vertices given by the k-subsets of {1,...,n}, with two vertices connected iff their intersection has size k-1. Special classes are summarized in ...
Let three equal circles with centers J_A, J_B, and J_C intersect in a single point H and intersect pairwise in the points A, B, and C. Then the circumcircle O of the ...
