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A sequence {a_n}_(n=1)^N forms a (binary) heap if it satisfies a_(|_j/2_|)<=a_j for 2<=j<=N, where |_x_| is the floor function, which is equivalent to a_i<a_(2i) and ...
There are a number of mathematical curves that produced heart shapes, some of which are illustrated above. A "zeroth" curve is a rotated cardioid (whose name means ...
The Heawood four-color graph is the 25-node planar graph illustrated above that tangles the Kempe chains in Kempe's algorithm and thus provides an example of how Kempe's ...
The (circular) helicoid is the minimal surface having a (circular) helix as its boundary. It is the only ruled minimal surface other than the plane (Catalan 1842, do Carmo ...
An elliptic partial differential equation given by del ^2psi+k^2psi=0, (1) where psi is a scalar function and del ^2 is the scalar Laplacian, or del ^2F+k^2F=0, (2) where F ...
There are at least two maps known as the Hénon map. The first is the two-dimensional dissipative quadratic map given by the coupled equations x_(n+1) = 1-alphax_n^2+y_n (1) ...
The unique (modulo rotations) scalene triangle formed from three vertices of a regular heptagon, having vertex angles pi/7, 2pi/7, and 4pi/7. There are a number of amazing ...
A second-order linear Hermitian operator is an operator L^~ that satisfies int_a^bv^_L^~udx=int_a^buL^~v^_dx. (1) where z^_ denotes a complex conjugate. As shown in ...
A Heronian tetrahedron, also called a perfect tetrahedron, is a (not necessarily regular) tetrahedron whose sides, face areas, and volume are all rational numbers. It ...
An important theorem in plane geometry, also known as Hero's formula. Given the lengths of the sides a, b, and c and the semiperimeter s=1/2(a+b+c) (1) of a triangle, Heron's ...
