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Let V be a real vector space (e.g., the real continuous functions C(I) on a closed interval I, two-dimensional Euclidean space R^2, the twice differentiable real functions ...
A Tychonoff plank is a topological space that is an example of a normal space which has a non-normal subset, thus showing that normality is not a hereditary property. Let ...
A radial function is a function phi:R^+->R satisfying phi(x,c)=phi(|x-c|) for points c in some subset Xi subset R^n. Here, |·| denotes the standard Euclidean norm in R^n and ...
For a graph G and a subset S of the vertex set V(G), denote by N_G[S] the set of vertices in G which are in S or adjacent to a vertex in S. If N_G[S]=V(G), then S is said to ...
A point which is a member of the set closure of a given set S and the set closure of its complement set. If A is a subset of R^n, then a point x in R^n is a boundary point of ...
Let D be a set of positive numbers containing 1, then the D-distance graph X(D) on a nonempty subset X of Euclidean space is the graph with vertex set X and edge set ...
An event is a certain subset of a probability space. Events are therefore collections of outcomes on which probabilities have been assigned. Events are sometimes assumed to ...
If F is a sigma-algebra and A is a subset of X, then A is called measurable if A is a member of F. X need not have, a priori, a topological structure. Even if it does, there ...
A minimal edge cover is an edge cover of a graph that is not a proper subset of any other edge cover. Every minimum edge cover is a minimal edge cover, but the converse does ...
A minimal vertex cut is an vertex cut of a graph that is not a proper subset of any other vertex cut. Every minimum vertex cut is a minimal vertex cut, but the converse does ...
