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Abstract Algebra
A p-adic number is an extension of the field of rationals such that congruences modulo powers of a fixed prime p are related to proximity in the so called "p-adic metric." ...
A complex function is said to be analytic on a region R if it is complex differentiable at every point in R. The terms holomorphic function, differentiable function, and ...
An atlas is a collection of consistent coordinate charts on a manifold, where "consistent" most commonly means that the transition functions of the charts are smooth. As the ...
The Cantor diagonal method, also called the Cantor diagonal argument or Cantor's diagonal slash, is a clever technique used by Georg Cantor to show that the integers and ...
Catalan (1876, 1891) noted that the sequence of Mersenne numbers 2^2-1=3, 2^3-1=7, and 2^7-1=127, and (OEIS A007013) were all prime (Dickson 2005, p. 22). Therefore, the ...
A theorem which effectively describes how lengths, areas, volumes, and generalized n-dimensional volumes (contents) are distorted by differentiable functions. In particular, ...
Combinatorial geometry is a blending of principles from the areas of combinatorics and geometry. It deals with combinations and arrangements of geometric objects and with ...
The squared norm of a four-vector a=(a_0,a_1,a_2,a_3)=a_0+a is given by the dot product a^2=a_mua^mu=(a^0)^2-a·a, (1) where a·a is the usual vector dot product in Euclidean ...
The Gershgorin circle theorem (where "Gershgorin" is sometimes also spelled "Gersgorin" or "Gerschgorin") identifies a region in the complex plane that contains all the ...
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