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A particular type of automorphism group which exists only for groups. For a group G, the inner automorphism group is defined by Inn(G)={sigma_a:a in G} subset Aut(G) where ...
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) be a lattice, and let tau subset= L^2. Then tau is a tolerance if and only if it is a reflexive and symmetric sublattice of L^2. Tolerances of lattices, ...
A linear code over a finite field with q elements F_q is a linear subspace C subset F_q^n. The vectors forming the subspace are called codewords. When codewords are chosen ...
Let X be a topological vector space and for an arbitrary point x in X, denote by N_(x) the collection of all neighborhoods of x in X. A local base at x is any set B subset ...
If Omega subset= C is a domain and phi:Omega->C is a one-to-one analytic function, then phi(Omega) is a domain, and area(phi(Omega))=int_Omega|phi^'(z)|^2dxdy (Krantz 1999, ...
A line along a normal vector (i.e., perpendicular to some tangent line). If K subset R^d is a centrosymmetric set which has a twice differentiable boundary, then there are ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra. An element a in A is called positive if a=a* and sp(a) subset= R^+, or equivalently if there exists an element b in A such that a=bb^*. For example, ...
A function on the reals R is a step function if it can be written as a finite linear combination of semi-open intervals [a,b) subset= R. Therefore, a step function f can be ...
The series sum_(j=1)^(infty)f_j(z) is said to be uniformly Cauchy on compact sets if, for each compact K subset= U and each epsilon>0, there exists an N>0 such that for all ...
Let u_(p) be a unit tangent vector of a regular surface M subset R^3. Then the normal curvature of M in the direction u_(p) is kappa(u_(p))=S(u_(p))·u_(p), (1) where S is the ...
