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Given a module M over a commutative unit ring R and a filtration F:... subset= I_2 subset= I_1 subset= I_0=R (1) of ideals of R, the associated graded module of M with ...
Given a commutative unit ring R and a filtration F:... subset= I_2 subset= I_1 subset= I_0=R (1) of ideals of R, the associated graded ring of R with respect to F is the ...
Let K subset V subset S^3 be a knot that is geometrically essential in a standard embedding of the solid torus V in the three-sphere S^3. Let K_1 subset S^3 be another knot ...
Given a module M over a commutative unit ring R and a filtration F:... subset= I_2 subset= I_1 subset= I_0=R (1) of ideals of R, the Rees module of M with respect to F is ...
Given a commutative unit ring R and a filtration F:... subset= I_2 subset= I_1 subset= I_0=R (1) of ideals of R, the Rees ring of R with respect to F is R_+(F)=I_0 direct sum ...
Let K be a class of topological spaces that is closed under homeomorphism, and let X be a topological space. If X in K and for every Y in K such that X subset= Y, X is a ...
Let A and B be two algebras over the same signature Sigma, with carriers A and B, respectively (cf. universal algebra). B is a subalgebra of A if B subset= A and every ...
A map psi:M->M, where M is a manifold, is a finite-to-one factor of a map Psi:X->X if there exists a continuous surjective map pi:X->M such that psi degreespi=pi degreesPsi ...
An algebraic ring which appears in treatments of duality in algebraic geometry. Let A be a local Artinian ring with m subset A its maximal ideal. Then A is a Gorenstein ring ...
The ideal quotient (a:b) is an analog of division for ideals in a commutative ring R, (a:b)={x in R:xb subset a}. The ideal quotient is always another ideal. However, this ...
