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A set is said to be bounded from below if it has a lower bound. Consider the real numbers with their usual order. Then for any set M subset= R, the infimum infM exists (in R) ...
A linear operator A:D(A)->H from its domain D(A) into a Hilbert space H is closable if it has a closed extension B:D(B)->H where D(A) subset D(B). Closable operators are ...
A chord which is a normal at each end. A centrosymmetric set K subset R^d has d double normals through the center (Croft et al. 1991). For a curve of constant width, all ...
Let t be an infinite word over a finite alphabet Sigma. Then there exists a uniformly recurrent infinite word r such that Sub(r) subset= Sub(t), where Sub(w) is the set of ...
Let u_1<=u_2<=... be harmonic functions on a connected open set U subset= C. Then either u_j->infty uniformly on compact sets or there is a finite-values harmonic function u ...
Let M subset R^3 be a regular surface and u_(p) a unit tangent vector to M, and let Pi(u_(p),N(p)) be the plane determined by u_(p) and the normal to the surface N(p). Then ...
A partial algebra is a pair A=(A,(f_i^A)_(i in I)), where for each i in I, there are an ordinal number alpha_i and a set X_i subset= A^(alpha_i) such that f_i^A is a function ...
Let A and B be C^*-algebras, then a linear map phi:A->B is said to be positive if phi(A_+) subset= B_+. Here, A_+ is denoted the positive part of A. For example, every ...
An outer measure mu on R^n is Borel regular if, for each set X subset R^n, there exists a Borel set B superset X such that mu(B)=mu(X). The d-dimensional Hausdorff outer ...
Giving a set F={f_1,f_2,...,f_n} of contracting similitudes of R^l, the closed set E is said to be subselfsimilar for F if E subset union _(i=1)^nf_i(E) (Falconer 1995, ...
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