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A Banach space X has the approximation property (AP) if, for every epsilon>0 and each compact subset K of X, there is a finite rank operator T in X such that for each x in K, ...
The closed graph theorem states that a linear operator between two Banach spaces X and Y is continuous iff it has a closed graph, where the "graph" {(x,f(x)):x in X} is ...
Let {f_n(x)} be a sequence of analytic functions regular in a region G, and let this sequence be uniformly convergent in every closed subset of G. If the analytic function ...
A set of elements S is said to be infinite if the elements of a proper subset S^' can be put into one-to-one correspondence with the elements of S. An infinite set whose ...
If a group of men and women may date only if they have previously been introduced, then a complete set of dates is possible iff every subset of men has collectively been ...
Given an open subset U in n-dimensional space and two compact subsets C_0 and C_1 of U, where C_1 is derived from C_0 by a continuous motion, is it possible to move C_0 to ...
A set A of integers is productive if there exists a partial recursive function f such that, for any x, the following holds: If the domain of phi_x is a subset of A, then f(x) ...
A semialgebraic set is a subset of R^n which is a finite Boolean combination of sets of the form {x^_=(x_1,...,x_n):f(x^_)>0} and {x^_:g(x^_)=0}, where f and g are ...
A dissection fallacy discovered by Dudeney (1958). The same set of tangram pieces can apparently produce two different figures, one of which is a proper subset of the other. ...
The axioms formulated by Hausdorff (1919) for his concept of a topological space. These axioms describe the properties satisfied by subsets of elements x in a neighborhood ...
