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The metabidiminished rhombicosidodecahedron is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(81). The unit metabidiminished rhombicosidodecahedron has volume ...
A Monge patch is a patch x:U->R^3 of the form x(u,v)=(u,v,h(u,v)), (1) where U is an open set in R^2 and h:U->R is a differentiable function. The coefficients of the first ...
Let S_N(s)=sum_(n=1)^infty[(n^(1/N))]^(-s), (1) where [x] denotes nearest integer function, i.e., the integer closest to x. For s>3, S_2(s) = 2zeta(s-1) (2) S_3(s) = ...
An odd power is a number of the form m^n for m>0 an integer and n a positive odd integer. The first few odd powers are 1, 8, 27, 32, 64, 125, 128, 216, 243, 343, 512, ... ...
The pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(33). The unit pentagonal gyrocupolarotunda has volume V=5/(12)(11+5sqrt(5)) (1) and ...
A point of a function or surface which is a stationary point but not an extremum. An example of a one-dimensional function with a saddle point is f(x)=x^3, which has f^'(x) = ...
The polyhedron compound of the small rhombicuboctahedron and its dual, the deltoidal icositetrahedron. The compound can be constructed from a small rhombicuboctahedron of ...
The trefoil knot 3_1, also called the threefoil knot or overhand knot, is the unique prime knot with three crossings. It is a (3, 2)-torus knot and has braid word sigma_1^3. ...
Let p be an irregular prime, and let P=rp+1 be a prime with P<p^2-p. Also let t be an integer such that t^3≢1 (mod P). For an irregular pair (p,2k), form the product ...
k+2 is prime iff the 14 Diophantine equations in 26 variables wz+h+j-q=0 (1) (gk+2g+k+1)(h+j)+h-z=0 (2) 16(k+1)^3(k+2)(n+1)^2+1-f^2=0 (3) 2n+p+q+z-e=0 (4) ...
