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The Wiener-Hopf method is a powerful technique which enables certain linear partial differential equations subject to boundary conditions on semi-infinite domains to be ...
A connective in logic known as the "exclusive or," or exclusive disjunction. It yields true if exactly one (but not both) of two conditions is true. The XOR operation does ...
A zebra graph is a graph formed by all possible moves of a hypothetical chess piece called a "zebra" which moves analogously to a knight except that it is restricted to moves ...
Dyson (1962abc) conjectured that the constant term in the Laurent series product_(1<=i!=j<=n)(1-(x_i)/(x_j))^(a_i) (1) is the multinomial coefficient ...
Zeno's paradoxes are a set of four paradoxes dealing with counterintuitive aspects of continuous space and time. 1. Dichotomy paradox: Before an object can travel a given ...
The abc conjecture is a conjecture due to Oesterlé and Masser in 1985. It states that, for any infinitesimal epsilon>0, there exists a constant C_epsilon such that for any ...
Discrete Mathematics
De Grey (2018) found the first examples of unit-distance graphs with chromatic number 5, thus demonstrating that the solution to the Hadwiger-Nelson problem (i.e., the ...
The modern definition of the q-hypergeometric function is _rphi_s[alpha_1,alpha_2,...,alpha_r; beta_1,...,beta_s;q,z] ...
The term "arbelos" means shoemaker's knife in Greek, and this term is applied to the shaded area in the above figure which resembles the blade of a knife used by ancient ...
