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A standard basis, also called a natural basis, is a special orthonormal vector basis in which each basis vector has a single nonzero entry with value 1. In n-dimensional ...
A star polyhedron is a nonconvex polyhedron which contains an arrangement of symmetrically (nor nearly symmetrically) arranged spikes giving it the visual appearance of a ...
For two random variates X and Y, the correlation is defined bY cor(X,Y)=(cov(X,Y))/(sigma_Xsigma_Y), (1) where sigma_X denotes standard deviation and cov(X,Y) is the ...
The Steiner circle is the central circle with center at the nine-point center X_5 and radius R_S=3/2R, where R is the circumradius of the reference triangle. It is the ...
A construction done using only a straightedge. The Poncelet-Steiner theorem proves that all constructions possible using a compass and straightedge are possible using a ...
Let a Cevian PC be drawn on a triangle DeltaABC, and denote the lengths m=PA^_ and n=PB^_, with c=m+n. Then Stewart's theorem, also called Apollonius' theorem, states that ...
Strang's strange figures are the figures produced by plotting a periodic function f(z) as a function of an integer argument n for n=1, 2, .... Unexpected patterns and ...
A strong Riemannian metric on a smooth manifold M is a (0,2) tensor field g which is both a strong pseudo-Riemannian metric and positive definite. In a very precise way, the ...
A k-regular simple graph G on nu nodes is strongly k-regular if there exist positive integers k, lambda, and mu such that every vertex has k neighbors (i.e., the graph is a ...
A collection of subsets of a topological space that is contained in a basis of the topology and can be completed to a basis when adding all finite intersections of the ...
