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The rhombic enneacontahedron is the equilateral zonohedron constructed from the 10 diameters of the dodecahedron. This enneacontahedron somewhat resembles a figure of Sharp ...
A rhombohedron is a parallelepiped bounded by six rhombi such that opposite faces are congruent. A rhombohedron having all six rhombic faces congruent is known as a trigonal ...
Riddell's formula for unlabeled graphs is the Euler transform relating the number of unlabeled connected graphs on n nodes satisfying some property with the corresponding ...
The Riemann-Siegel integral formula is the following representation of the xi-function xi(s) found in Riemann's Nachlass by Bessel-Hagen in 1926 (Siegel 1932; Edwards 2001, ...
The differential equation where alpha+alpha^'+beta+beta^'+gamma+gamma^'=1, first obtained in the form by Papperitz (1885; Barnes 1908). Solutions are Riemann P-series ...
The solutions to the Riemann P-differential equation are known as the Riemann P-series, or sometimes the Riemann P-function, given by u(z)=P{a b c; alpha beta gamma; alpha^' ...
Let f be differentiable on the open interval (a,b) and continuous on the closed interval [a,b]. Then if f(a)=f(b), then there is at least one point c in (a,b) where f^'(c)=0. ...
A generalization of the binomial coefficient whose notation was suggested by Knuth, |_n; k]=(|_n]!)/(|_k]!|_n-k]!), (1) where |_n] is a Roman factorial. The above expression ...
Given two functions f and g analytic in A with gamma a simple loop homotopic to a point in A, if |g(z)|<|f(z)| for all z on gamma, then f and f+g have the same number of ...
A rounded rectangle is the shape obtained by taking the convex hull of four equal circles of radius r and placing their centers at the four corners of a rectangle with side ...
