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The evolute of the epicycloid x = (a+b)cost-bcos[((a+b)/b)t] (1) y = (a+b)sint-bsin[((a+b)/b)t] (2) is another epicycloid given by x = a/(a+2b){(a+b)cost+bcos[((a+b)/b)t]} ...
The involute of the epicycloid x = (a+b)cost-bcos[((a+b)/b)t] (1) y = (a+b)sint-bsin[((a+b)/b)t] (2) is another epicycloid given by x = (a+2b)/a{(a+b)cost+bcos[((a+b)/b)t]} ...
For R[n]>-1 and R[z]>0, Pi(z,n) = n^zint_0^1(1-x)^nx^(z-1)dx (1) = (n!)/((z)_(n+1))n^z (2) = B(z,n+1), (3) where (z)_n is the Pochhammer symbol and B(p,q) is the beta ...
The following three pieces of information completely determine the homeomorphic type of a surface (Massey 1996): 1. Orientability, 2. Number of boundary components, 3. Euler ...
The prime link 02-0201 which has Jones polynomial V(t)=-t-t^(-1) and HOMFLY polynomial P(z,alpha)=z^(-1)(alpha^(-1)-alpha^(-3))+zalpha^(-1). It has braid word sigma_1^2.
A sextic surface given by the implicit equation 4(x^2+y^2+z^2-13)^3+27(3x^2+y^2-4z^2-12)^2=0.
An imaginary quadratic field is a quadratic field Q(sqrt(D)) with D<0. Special cases are summarized in the following table. D field members -1 Gaussian integer -3 Eisenstein ...
Given an amicable pair (m,n), the quantity sigma(m) = sigma(n) (1) = =s(m)+s(n) (2) = m+n (3) is called the pair sum, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and s(n) is the ...
A point p on a regular surface M in R^3 is said to be parabolic if the Gaussian curvature K(p)=0 but S(p)!=0 (where S is the shape operator), or equivalently, exactly one of ...
The function giving the volume of the spherical quadrectangular tetrahedron: V=(pi^2)/8f(pi/p,pi/q,pi/r), (1) where (2) and D=sqrt(cos^2xcos^2z-cos^2y). (3)
