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An n-dimensional open disk of radius r is the collection of points of distance less than r from a fixed point in Euclidean n-space. Krantz (1999, p. 3) uses the symbol D(x,r) ...
There are a number of functions in mathematics denoted with upper or lower case Qs. 1. The nome q. 2. A prefix denoting q-analogs and q-series. 3. Q_n or q_n with n=0, 1, 2, ...
An array B=b_(ij), i,j>=1 of positive integers is called a dispersion if 1. The first column of B is a strictly increasing sequence, and there exists a strictly increasing ...
Let f(1)=1, and let f(n) be the number of occurrences of n in a nondecreasing sequence of integers. then the first few values of f(n) are 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, ... ...
A link L is said to be splittable if a plane can be embedded in R^3 such that the plane separates one or more components of L from other components of L and the plane is ...
Let each of f(a,b,c) and g(a,b,c) be a triangle center function or the zero function, and let one of the following three conditions hold. 1. The degree of homogeneity of g ...
For three consecutive orders of an orthonormal polynomial, the following relationship holds for n=2, 3, ...: p_n(x)=(A_nx+B_n)p_(n-1)(x)-C_np_(n-2)(x), (1) where A_n>0, B_n, ...
Let b(k) be the number of 1s in the binary expression of k, i.e., the binary digit count of 1, giving 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, ... (OEIS A000120) for k=1, 2, .... ...
The regular hexagon is the regular polygon with six sides, as illustrated above. The inradius r, circumradius R, sagitta s, and area A of a regular hexagon can be computed ...
The radial curve of the astroid x = acos^3t (1) y = asin^3t (2) is the quadrifolium x_r = x_0+12acostsin^2t (3) y_r = y_0+12acos^2tsint. (4)
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