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A K-rational point is a point (X,Y) on an algebraic curve f(X,Y)=0, where X and Y are in a field K. For example, rational point in the field Q of ordinary rational numbers is ...
Taniguchi's constant is defined as C_(Taniguchi) = product_(p)[1-3/(p^3)+2/(p^4)+1/(p^5)-1/(p^6)] (1) = 0.6782344... (2) (OEIS A175639), where the product is over the primes ...
If p is a prime >3, then the numerator of the harmonic number H_(p-1)=1+1/2+1/3+...+1/(p-1) (1) is divisible by p^2 and the numerator of the generalized harmonic number ...
An n-step Lucas sequence {L_k^((n))}_(k=1)^infty is defined by letting L_k^((n))=-1 for k<0, L_0^((n))=n, and other terms according to the linear recurrence equation ...
f_p=f_0+1/2p(p+1)delta_(1/2)-1/2(p-1)pdelta_(-1/2) +(S_3+S_4)delta_(1/2)^3+(S_3-S_4)delta_(-1/2)^3+..., (1) for p in [-1/2,1/2], where delta is the central difference and ...
A curious approximation to the Feigenbaum constant delta is given by pi+tan^(-1)(e^pi)=4.669201932..., (1) where e^pi is Gelfond's constant, which is good to 6 digits to the ...
Gaussian primes are Gaussian integers z=a+bi satisfying one of the following properties. 1. If both a and b are nonzero then, a+bi is a Gaussian prime iff a^2+b^2 is an ...
For every positive integer n, there is a unique finite sequence of distinct nonconsecutive (not necessarily positive) integers k_1, ..., k_m such that ...
alpha_n(z) = int_1^inftyt^ne^(-zt)dt (1) = n!z^(-(n+1))e^(-z)sum_(k=0)^(n)(z^k)/(k!). (2) It is equivalent to alpha_n(z)=E_(-n)(z), (3) where E_n(z) is the En-function.
A homographic transformation x_1 = (ax+by+c)/(a^('')x+b^('')y+c^('')) (1) y_1 = (a^'x+b^'y+c^')/(a^('')x+b^('')y+c^('')) (2) with t_1 substituted for t according to ...
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