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|_n]!={n! for n>=0; ((-1)^(-n-1))/((-n-1)!) for n<0. (1) The Roman factorial arises in the definition of the harmonic logarithm and Roman coefficient. It obeys the identities ...
Let sum_(k=1)^(infty)u_k be a series with positive terms, and let rho=lim_(k->infty)u_k^(1/k). 1. If rho<1, the series converges. 2. If rho>1 or rho=infty, the series ...
The rth sample raw moment m_r^' of a sample with sample size n is defined as m_r^'=1/nsum_(k=1)^nx_k^r. (1) The sample raw moments are unbiased estimators of the population ...
The semiperimeter on a figure is defined as s=1/2p, (1) where p is the perimeter. The semiperimeter of polygons appears in unexpected ways in the computation of their areas. ...
The Sherman-Morrison formula is a formula that allows a perturbed matrix to be computed for a change to a given matrix A. If the change can be written in the form u tensor v ...
Let X be a set. Then a sigma-algebra F is a nonempty collection of subsets of X such that the following hold: 1. X is in F. 2. If A is in F, then so is the complement of A. ...
Define the notation [n]f_0=f_(-(n-1)/2)+...+f_0+...+f_((n-1)/2) (1) and let delta be the central difference, so delta^2f_0=f_1-2f_0+f_(-1). (2) Spencer's 21-term moving ...
The spherical Hankel function of the first kind h_n^((1))(z) is defined by h_n^((1))(z) = sqrt(pi/(2z))H_(n+1/2)^((1))(z) (1) = j_n(z)+in_n(z), (2) where H_n^((1))(z) is the ...
For what value of x is f(x)=x^(1/x) a maximum? The maximum occurs at x=e, where f^'(x)=x^(-2+1/x)(1-lnx)=0, (1) which is zero at x=e and gives a maximum of ...
If P(n) is a sentential formula depending on a variable n ranging in a set of real numbers, the sentence P(n) for every sufficiently large n (1) means exists N such that P(n) ...
