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Let K be a field of arbitrary characteristic. Let v:K->R union {infty} be defined by the following properties: 1. v(x)=infty<=>x=0, 2. v(xy)=v(x)+v(y) forall x,y in K, and 3. ...
A piecewise polynomial function that can have a locally very simple form, yet at the same time be globally flexible and smooth. Splines are very useful for modeling arbitrary ...
A sequence of functions {f_n}, n=1, 2, 3, ... is said to be uniformly convergent to f for a set E of values of x if, for each epsilon>0, an integer N can be found such that ...
Given a quadratic form Q(x,y)=x^2+y^2, (1) then Q(x,y)Q(x^',y^')=Q(xx^'-yy^',x^'y+xy^'), (2) since (x^2+y^2)(x^('2)+y^('2)) = (xx^'-yy^')^2+(xy^'+x^'y)^2 (3) = ...
A 32-sided polygon. The regular icosidodecagon is a constructible polygon, and the regular icosidodecahedron of side length 1 has inradius r, circumradius R, and area A r = ...
A multiplication table is an array showing the result of applying a binary operator to elements of a given set S. For example, the following table is the multiplication table ...
The q-binomial coefficient is a q-analog for the binomial coefficient, also called a Gaussian coefficient or a Gaussian polynomial. A q-binomial coefficient is given by [n; ...
The Goh-Schmutz constant is defined by the integrals C = int_0^infty(ln(1+t))/(e^t-1)dt (1) = int_0^inftyln[1-ln(1-e^(-t))]dt (2) = ...
The Heawood graph is a cubic graph on 14 vertices and 21 edges which is the unique (3,6)-cage graph. It is also a Moore graph. It has graph diameter 3, graph radius 3, and ...
The regular tetrahedron, often simply called "the" tetrahedron, is the Platonic solid with four polyhedron vertices, six polyhedron edges, and four equivalent equilateral ...
