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pi has decimal expansion given by pi=3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197... (1) (OEIS A000796). The following table summarizes some record computations of the digits of ...
A Pythagorean triple is a triple of positive integers a, b, and c such that a right triangle exists with legs a,b and hypotenuse c. By the Pythagorean theorem, this is ...
First published in Riemann's groundbreaking 1859 paper (Riemann 1859), the Riemann hypothesis is a deep mathematical conjecture which states that the nontrivial Riemann zeta ...
The number of representations of n by k squares, allowing zeros and distinguishing signs and order, is denoted r_k(n). The special case k=2 corresponding to two squares is ...
A finite group is a group having finite group order. Examples of finite groups are the modulo multiplication groups, point groups, cyclic groups, dihedral groups, symmetric ...
The constant pi, denoted pi, is a real number defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference C to its diameter d=2r, pi = C/d (1) = C/(2r) (2) pi has decimal expansion ...
A square number, also called a perfect square, is a figurate number of the form S_n=n^2, where n is an integer. The square numbers for n=0, 1, ... are 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, ...
The uniform polyhedra are polyhedra consisting of regular (possibly polygrammic) faces of equal edge length whose polyhedron vertices are all symmetrically equivalent. The ...
