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Let A and B be any sets with empty intersection, and let |X| denote the cardinal number of a set X. Then |A|+|B|=|A union B| (Ciesielski 1997, p. 68; Dauben 1990, p. 173; ...
Let A and B be any sets, and let |X| be the cardinal number of a set X. Then cardinal exponentiation is defined by |A|^(|B|)=|set of all functions from B into A| (Ciesielski ...
Let A and B be any sets. Then the product of |A| and |B| is defined as the Cartesian product |A|*|B|=|A×B| (Ciesielski 1997, p. 68; Dauben 1990, p. 173; Moore 1982, p. 37; ...
Carmichael's conjecture asserts that there are an infinite number of Carmichael numbers. This was proven by Alford et al. (1994).
A fractal-like structure is produced for x<0 by superposing plots of Carotid-Kundalini functions ck_n of different orders n. the region -1<x<0 is called fractal land by ...
The term "Cartan algebra" has two meanings in mathematics, so care is needed in determining from context which meaning is intended. One meaning is a "Cartan subalgebra," ...
Let {a_n} be a series of positive terms with a_(n+1)<=a_n. Then sum_(n=1)^(infty)a_n converges iff sum_(k=0)^infty2^ka_(2^k) converges.
Let P be a finite partially ordered set. A chain in P is a set of pairwise comparable elements (i.e., a totally ordered subset). The partial order length of P is the maximum ...
An (infinite) line determined by two points (x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2) may intersect a circle of radius r and center (0, 0) in two imaginary points (left figure), a degenerate ...
If V and W are Banach spaces and T:V->W is a bounded linear operator, the T is said to be a compact operator if it maps the unit ball of V into a relatively compact subset of ...
