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The Kuhn-Tucker theorem is a theorem in nonlinear programming which states that if a regularity condition holds and f and the functions h_j are convex, then a solution ...
The indices of a contravariant tensor A^j can be lowered, turning it into a covariant tensor A_i, by multiplication by a so-called metric tensor g_(ij), e.g., g_(ij)A^j=A_i.
The indices of a covariant tensor A_j can be raised, forming a contravariant tensor A^i, by multiplication by a so-called metric tensor g^(ij), e.g., g^(ij)A_j=A^i
If a one-parameter family of curves has index N and class M, the number tangent to a curve of order n_1 and class m_1 in general position is m_1N+n_1M.
A branch of topology dealing with topological invariants of manifolds.
Let A be a sum of squares of n independent normal standardized variates X_i, and suppose A=B+C where B is a quadratic form in the x_i, distributed as chi-squared with h ...
If the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture holds for all semistable elliptic curves, then Fermat's last theorem is true. Before its proof by Ribet in 1986, the theorem had been ...
A theorem due to Conway et al. (1997) which states that, if a positive definite quadratic form with integer matrix entries represents all natural numbers up to 15, then it ...
Müntz's theorem is a generalization of the Weierstrass approximation theorem, which states that any continuous function on a closed and bounded interval can be uniformly ...
Plancherel's theorem states that the integral of the squared modulus of a function is equal to the integral of the squared modulus of its spectrum. It corresponds to ...
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