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6941 - 6950 of 13134 for index theoremSearch Results
The vercosine, written vercos(z) and also known as the "versed cosine," is a little-used trigonometric function defined by vercos(z) = 2cos^2(1/2z) (1) = 1+cosz, (2) where ...
A smooth two-dimensional surface given by embedding the projective plane into projective 5-space by the homogeneous parametric equations v(x,y,z)=(x^2,y^2,z^2,xy,xz,yz). The ...
A vertex is a special point of a mathematical object, and is usually a location where two or more lines or edges meet. Vertices are most commonly encountered in angles, ...
The point about which an angle is measured is called the angle's vertex, and the angle theta associated with a given vertex is called the vertex angle. In a polygon, the ...
The vertex count of a graph g, commonly denoted V(g) or |g|, is the number of vertices in g. In other words, it is the cardinality of the vertex set. The vertex count of a ...
The depth of a vertex v in a rooted tree as the number of edges from v to the root vertex. A function to return the depth of a vertex v in a tree g may be implemented in a ...
The vertex height of a vertex v in a rooted tree is the number of edges on the longest downward path between v and a tree leaf. The height of the root vertex of a rooted tree ...
The number of graph edges meeting at a given node in a graph is called the order of that graph vertex.
If K is a simplicial complex, let V be the vertex set of K. Furthermore, let K be the collection of all subsets {a_0,...,a_n} of V such that the vertices a_0, ..., a_n span a ...
The vertex triangle of two distinct circumcevian triangles or circumanticevian triangles is perspective to the reference triangle. In addition, the vertex triangles of the ...
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