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Any linear combination of real spherical harmonics A_lP_l(costheta)+sum_(m=1)^l[A_l^mcos(mphi)+B_l^msin(mphi)]P_l^m(costheta) for l fixed whose sum is not premultiplied by a ...
A surface in 3-space can be parameterized by two variables (or coordinates) u and v such that x = x(u,v) (1) y = y(u,v) (2) z = z(u,v). (3) If a surface is parameterized as ...
A parallel of a surface of revolution is the intersection of the surface with a plane orthogonal to the axis of revolution.
Let f be a function defined on a set A and taking values in a set B. Then f is said to be a surjection (or surjective map) if, for any b in B, there exists an a in A for ...
Surrogate data are artificially generated data which mimic statistical properties of real data. Isospectral surrogates have identical power spectra as real data but with ...
An ordinary knot in three dimensions suspended in four dimensions to create a knotted 2-sphere. Suspended knots are not smooth at the poles.
The space join of a topological space X and a pair of points S^0, Sigma(X)=X*S^0.
The Suzuki group is the sporadic group Suz of order |Suz| = 448345497600 (1) = 2^(13)·3^7·5^2·7·11·13. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as SuzukiGroupSuz[].
A catastrophe which can occur for three control factors and one behavior axis. The swallowtail catastrophe is the universal unfolding of singularity f(x)=x^5 with codimension ...
An irregular icosagon, also called the gammadion or fylfot, which symbolized good luck in ancient Arabic and Indian cultures. The mirror image of the above, sometimes called ...
