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The real axis is the line in the complex plane corresponding to zero imaginary part, I[z]=0. Every real number corresponds to a unique point on the real axis.
A function whose range is in the real numbers is said to be a real function, also called a real-valued function.
A real matrix is a matrix whose elements consist entirely of real numbers. The set of m×n real matrices is sometimes denoted R^(m×n) (Zwillinger 1995, p. 116).
A polynomial having only real numbers as coefficients. A polynomial with real coefficients is a product of irreducible polynomials of first and second degrees.
A variable that may assume only real values.
A vector whose elements are real numbers.
A real vector space is a vector space whose field of scalars is the field of reals. A linear transformation between real vector spaces is given by a matrix with real entries ...
A set R of linear extensions of a partially ordered set P=(X,<=) is a realizer of P (and is said to realize P) provided that for all x,y in X, x<=y iff x is below y in every ...
"The reals" is a common way of referring to the set of real numbers and is commonly denoted R.
A pair of consecutive primes whose digits are rearrangements of each other, first considered by A. Edwards in Aug. 2001. The first few are (1913, 1931), (18379, 18397), ...
