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The extended complex plane is the name given to the complex plane with a point at infinity attached: C union {infty^~}, where infty^~ denotes complex infinity. It is also ...
The extended greatest common divisor of two integers m and n can be defined as the greatest common divisor GCD(m,n) of m and n which also satisfies the constraint ...
The first quadratic nonresidue mod p of a number is always less than 3(lnp)^2/2 (Wedeniwski 2001).
A type of dimension which can be used to characterize fat fractals.
The kth exterior power of an element alpha in an exterior algebra LambdaV is given by the wedge product of alpha with itself k times. Note that if alpha has odd degree, then ...
The fractal illustrated above.
The term external direct product is used to refer to either the external direct sum of groups under the group operation of multiplication, or over infinitely many spaces in ...
The Cartesian product of a finite or infinite set of modules over a ring with only finitely many nonzero entries in each sequence.
A curvature of a submanifold of a manifold which depends on its particular embedding. Examples of extrinsic curvature include the curvature and torsion of curves in ...
Generally, a face is a component polygon, polyhedron, or polytope. A two-dimensional face thus has vertices and edges, and can be used to make cells. More formally, a face is ...
