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2001 - 2010 of 13134 for index theoremSearch Results

Let S_n be the sum of n random variates X_i with a Bernoulli distribution with P(X_i=1)=p_i. Then sum_(k=0)^infty|P(S_n=k)-(e^(-lambda)lambda^k)/(k!)|<2sum_(i=1)^np_i^2, ...
The Lebesgue measure is an extension of the classical notions of length and area to more complicated sets. Given an open set S=sum_(k)(a_k,b_k) containing disjoint intervals, ...
Gamma functions of argument 2z can be expressed in terms of gamma functions of smaller arguments. From the definition of the beta function, ...
Let mu(sigma) be the least upper bound of the numbers A such that |zeta(sigma+it)|t^(-A) is bounded as t->infty, where zeta(s) is the Riemann zeta function. Then the Lindelöf ...
A link invariant defined for a two-component oriented link as the sum of +1 crossings and -1 crossing over all crossings between the two links divided by 2. For components ...
Let Y^X be the set of continuous mappings f:X->Y. Then the topological space Y^X supplied with the compact-open topology is called a mapping space, and if X=I is taken as the ...
The Lucas cubic is a pivotal isotomic cubic having pivot point at Kimberling center X_(69), the isogonal conjugate of the orthocenter, i.e., the locus of points P such that ...
where Gamma(z) is the gamma function and other details are discussed by Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2000).
A maltitude ("midpoint altitude") is a perpendicular drawn to a side of a quadrilateral from the midpoint M_i of the opposite side. If the quadrilateral is cyclic, then the ...
A subset E of a topological space S is said to be meager if E is of first category in S, i.e., if E can be written as the countable union of subsets which are nowhere dense ...
