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The dual of Pascal's theorem (Casey 1888, p. 146). It states that, given a hexagon circumscribed on a conic section, the lines joining opposite polygon vertices (polygon ...
Thomae's theorem, also called Thomae's transformation, is the generalized hypergeometric function identity (1) where Gamma(z) is the gamma function, _3F_2(a,b,c;e,f;z) is a ...
Let phi_x^((k)) denote the recursive function of k variables with Gödel number x, where (1) is normally omitted. Then if g is a partial recursive function, there exists an ...
The permanent of an n×n integer matrix with all entries either 0 or 1 is 0 iff the matrix contains an r×s submatrix of 0s with r+s=n+1. This result follows from the ...
The proposition that every proper ideal of a Boolean algebra can be extended to a maximal ideal. It is equivalent to the Boolean representation theorem, which can be proved ...
An analytic function f(z) whose Laurent series is given by f(z)=sum_(n=-infty)^inftya_n(z-z_0)^n, (1) can be integrated term by term using a closed contour gamma encircling ...
Fermat's 4n+1 theorem, sometimes called Fermat's two-square theorem or simply "Fermat's theorem," states that a prime number p can be represented in an essentially unique ...
The Robertson-Seymour theorem, also called the graph minor theorem, is a generalization of the Kuratowski reduction theorem by Robertson and Seymour, which states that the ...
The Gershgorin circle theorem (where "Gershgorin" is sometimes also spelled "Gersgorin" or "Gerschgorin") identifies a region in the complex plane that contains all the ...
The Bump-Ng theorem (and also the title of the paper in which it was proved) states that the zeros of the Mellin transform of Hermite functions have real part equal to 1/2.
