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Multi-index notation is used to shorten expressions that contain many indices. Let x in R^n and write x=(x_1,...,x_n). A multi-index alpha is an n-tuple of integers alpha_j ...
An algebraic expression containing more than one term (cf., binomial). The term is also used to refer to a polynomial.
Multisection of a mathematical quantity or figure is division of it into a number of (usually) equal parts. Division of a quantity into two equal parts is known as bisection, ...
The system of partial differential equations U_t = [V,W] (1) V_t = [W,U] (2) W_t = [U,V], (3) where [A,B] denotes the commutator.
The unit of information obtained by using the natural logarithm lnx instead of the base-2 logarithm log_2x=lgx when defining entropy and related information theoretic ...
The natural parametric equations of a curve are parametric equations that represent the curve in terms of a coordinate-independent parameter, generally arc length s, instead ...
The term negative likelihood ratio is also used (especially in medicine) to test nonnested complementary hypotheses as follows, NLR = ([false negative rate])/([true negative ...
A negative semidefinite matrix is a Hermitian matrix all of whose eigenvalues are nonpositive. A matrix m may be tested to determine if it is negative semidefinite in the ...
A base for a neighborhood system of a point x is a collection N of open sets such that x belongs to every member of N, and any open set containing x also contains a member of ...
The vector field N_f(z)=-(f(z))/(f^'(z)) arising in the definition of the Newtonian graph of a complex univariate polynomial f (Smale 1985, Shub et al. 1988, Kozen and ...
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