
Search Results for "hilbertspace.html"

3841 - 3850 of 13131 for hilbertspace.htmlSearch Results
A functor is said to be faithful if it is injective on maps. This does not necessarily imply injectivity on objects. For example, the forgetful functor from the category of ...
A group action phi:G×X->X is called faithful if there are no group elements g (except the identity element) such that gx=x for all x in X. Equivalently, the map phi induces ...
A module M over a unit ring R is called faithful if for all distinct elements a, b of R, there exists x in M such that ax!=bx. In other words, the multiplications by a and by ...
A representation phi of a group G is faithful if it is one-to-one, i.e., if phi(g)=phi(h) implies g=h for g,h in G. Equivalently, phi is faithful if phi(g)=I_n implies g=e, ...
A module M over a unit ring R is called faithfully flat if the tensor product functor - tensor _RM is exact and faithful. A faithfully flat module is always flat and ...
The third-order ordinary differential equation y^(''')+alphayy^('')+beta(1-y^('2))=0.
A fallacy is an incorrect result arrived at by apparently correct, though actually specious reasoning. The great Greek geometer Euclid wrote an entire book on geometric ...
The falling factorial (x)_n, sometimes also denoted x^(n__) (Graham et al. 1994, p. 48), is defined by (x)_n=x(x-1)...(x-(n-1)) (1) for n>=0. Is also known as the binomial ...
A statement which is rigorously not true. Regular two-valued logic allows statements to be only true or false, but fuzzy logic treats "truth" as a continuum which can have a ...
Euler (1738, 1753) considered the series s_a(x)=sum_(n=1)^infty[1/(1-a^n)product_(k=0)^(n-1)(1-xa^(-k))]. He showed that just like log_a(a^n)=n, s_a(a^n)=n for nonnegative ...
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