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A theorem proved by Doob (1942) which states that any random process which is both normal and Markov has the following forms for its correlation function C_y(tau), spectral ...
The Doppler spiral is the curve obtained from an Archimedes' spiral which is translated horizontally with speed k. It has parametric equations x(t) = a(tcost+kt) (1) y(t) = ...
The Doro graph is a distance-transitive and Distance-Regular Graph on 68 vertices and with valency 12. It is the unique automorphic graph having intersection array ...
The "dot" · has several meanings in mathematics, including multiplication (a·b is pronounced "a times b"), computation of a dot product (a·b is pronounced "a dot b").
A dot plot, also called a dot chart, is a type of simple histogram-like chart used in statistics for relatively small data sets where values fall into a number of discrete ...
The dot product can be defined for two vectors X and Y by X·Y=|X||Y|costheta, (1) where theta is the angle between the vectors and |X| is the norm. It follows immediately ...
Dots and boxes is a two-person game based on a rectangular lattice of points. Each player, in turn, draws a horizontal or vertical line connecting two adjacent points. ...
The Dottie number is the name given by Kaplan (2007) to the unique real root of cosx=x (namely, the unique real fixed point of the cosine function), which is 0.739085... ...
The Dou circle is the circle cutting the sidelines of the reference triangle DeltaABC at A^', A^(''), B^', B^(''), C^', and C^('') such that ...
A Julia set with c=-0.123+0.745i, also known as the dragon fractal.
