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Given a weighted, undirected graph G=(V,E) and a graphical partition of V into two sets A and B, the cut of G with respect to A and B is defined as cut(A,B)=sum_(i in A,j in ...
The cut elimination theorem, also called the "Hauptsatz" (Gentzen 1969), states that every sequent calculus derivation can be transformed into another derivation with the ...
The slicing of a three-dimensional object by a plane (or more general slice).
A chord of a graph cycle C is an edge not in the edge set of C whose endpoints lie in the vertex set C (West 2000, p. 225). For example, in the diamond graph as labeled ...
The n-cycle complement graph C^__n is the graph complement of the cycle graph C_n. Cycle complement graphs are special cases of circulant graphs. The first few are ...
A cycle double cover of an undirected graph is a collection of cycles that cover each edge of the graph exactly twice. For a polyhedral graph, the faces of a corresponding ...
The cycle double cover conjecture states that every bridgeless graph has a collection of cycles which together contain every edge exactly twice. This conjecture remains open, ...
In graph theory, a cycle graph C_n, sometimes simply known as an n-cycle (Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003, p. 248), is a graph on n nodes containing a single cycle through all ...
Let j_k(alpha) denote the number of cycles of length k for a permutation alpha expressed as a product of disjoint cycles. The cycle index Z(X) of a permutation group X of ...
One would think that by analogy with the matching-generating polynomial, independence polynomial, etc., a cycle polynomial whose coefficients are the numbers of cycles of ...
