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A subset B of a vector space E is said to be balanced if lambdaB subset= B whenever lambda is a scalar satisfying |lambda|<=1. Here, the notation lambdaB denotes the set ...
The n-ball, denoted B^n, is the interior of a sphere S^(n-1), and sometimes also called the n-disk. (Although physicists often use the term "sphere" to mean the solid ball, ...
Given an n-ball B^n of radius R, find the distribution of the lengths s of the lines determined by two points chosen at random within the ball. The probability distribution ...
Consider an infinite repository containing balls of n different types. Then the following table summarizes the number of distinct ways in which k balls can be picked for four ...
Ball point picking is the selection of points randomly placed inside a ball. n random points can be picked in a unit ball in the Wolfram Language using the function ...
Ball tetrahedron picking is the selection of quadruples of points (corresponding to vertices of a general tetrahedron) randomly placed inside a ball. n random tetrahedra can ...
Ball triangle picking is the selection of triples of points (corresponding to vertices of a general triangle) randomly placed inside a ball. n random triangles can be picked ...
Ballantine's series is the series for pi given by pi=864sum_(n=0)^infty((n!)^24^n)/((2n+1)!325^(n+1)) +1824sum_(n=0)^infty((n!)^24^n)/((2n+1)!3250^(n+1))-20cot^(-1)239 ...
Let the characteristic polynomial of an n×n complex matrix A be written in the form P(lambda) = |lambdaI-A| (1) = ...
Suppose A and B are candidates for office and there are 2n voters, n voting for A and n for B. In how many ways can the ballots be counted so that B is never ahead of A? The ...
