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6341 - 6350 of 13134 for gas kinetic theorySearch Results

The system of partial differential equations u_t = 3ww_x (1) w_t = 2w_(xxx)+2uw_x+u_xw. (2)
A set of points which do not lie on any of a certain class of hyperplanes.
The Droussent cubic is the triangle cubic with trilinear equation sum_(cyclic)(b^4+c^4-a^4-b^2c^2)aalpha(b^2beta^2-c^2gamma^2)=0. It passes through Kimberling centers X_n for ...
Given a contravariant basis {e^->_1,...,e^->_n}, its dual covariant basis is given by e^->^alpha·e^->_beta=g(e^->^alpha,e^->_beta)=delta_beta^alpha, where g is the metric and ...
Given a vector bundle pi:E->M, its dual bundle is a vector bundle pi^*:E^*->M. The fiber bundle of E^* over a point p in M is the dual vector space to the fiber of E.
If X is a normed linear space, then the set of continuous linear functionals on X is called the dual (or conjugate) space of X. When equipped with the norm ...
Let A, B, and C be three polar vectors, and define V_(ijk) = |A_i B_i C_i; A_j B_j C_j; A_k B_k C_k| (1) = det[A B C], (2) where det is the determinant. The V_(ijk) is a ...
Given an antisymmetric second tensor rank tensor C_(ij), a dual pseudotensor C_i is defined by C_i=1/2epsilon_(ijk)C_(jk), (1) where C_i = [C_(23); C_(31); C_(12)] (2) C_(jk) ...
Dual pairs of linear programs are in "strong duality" if both are possible. The theorem was first conceived by John von Neumann. The first written proof was an Air Force ...
The dumbbell curve is the sextic curve a^4y^2=x^4(a^2-x^2). (1) It has area A=1/4pia^2 (2) and approximate arc length s approx 5.541a. (3) For the parametrization x = at (4) ...
