
Search Results for "gas kinetic theory"

5181 - 5190 of 13134 for gas kinetic theorySearch Results
Let H be a Hilbert space and (e_i)_(i in I) is an orthonormal basis for H. The set S(H) of all operators T for which sum_(i in I)||Te_i||^2<infty is a self-adjoint ideal of ...
A hole in a mathematical object is a topological structure which prevents the object from being continuously shrunk to a point. When dealing with topological spaces, a ...
A technically defined extension of the ordinary determinant to "higher dimensional" hypermatrices. Cayley (1845) originally coined the term, but subsequently used it to refer ...
A hyperfunction, discovered by Mikio Sato in 1958, is defined as a pair of holomorphic functions (f,g) which are separated by a boundary gamma. If gamma is taken to be a ...
As of 2014, the IEEE 754-2008 is the most commonly implemented standard for floating-point arithmetic. This framework is a massive overhaul of its predecessor IEEE 754-1985 ...
The notion of height is defined for proper ideals in a commutative Noetherian unit ring R. The height of a proper prime ideal P of R is the maximum of the lengths n of the ...
The "complete" gamma function Gamma(a) can be generalized to the incomplete gamma function Gamma(a,x) such that Gamma(a)=Gamma(a,0). This "upper" incomplete gamma function is ...
A non-zero module which is not the direct sum of two of its proper submodules. The negation of indecomposable is, of course, decomposable. An abstract vector space is ...
Let f be a function defined on a set A and taking values in a set B. Then f is said to be an injection (or injective map, or embedding) if, whenever f(x)=f(y), it must be the ...
A polynomial of the form f(x)=a_nx^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0 having coefficients a_i that are all integers. An integer polynomial gives integer values for all integer ...
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